Dream Hat??

I think I finally knit my dream hat. Knitting grownup hats for a baby sized head is always a bit of an ordeal. Even if my gauge is correct, the measurements of the finished hat are almost always too big for me, either in width or in height. See my Skiff (knit on needles 3 sizes smaller than recommended size) for an example of what I mean. No good.

I have knit so many hats for other people that turn out perfectly, but the ones I have made and truly enjoyed for myself have been few and far between. So. Since I cannot for the life of me knit a hat that fits me exactly how I want it, I am oh so happy to have one that fits me about 80% as well as I could hope for. It is a bit slouchier than intended but I am 26 for Pete’s sake. These next couple years are the apex of my crop topping, see through shirting, slouchy hatting years, so I better damn well do it up.

The pattern is Vintage Prim by Andrea Mowry and it was SO FUN to knit. Go out and get yourself this pattern. I used some leftover Cascade Fingering in Brown and Knit Picks Palette in Mai Thai Heather. And I believe I used size 3 needles?

From my experience, and looking at the other projects on Ravelry, I think the key to a good color combo on this one is two solid colors that are high in contrast. I typically love brioche made with variegated yarn, but this hat seems to make much more of an impact with solid colors. It’s got a lot going on already and I think it could go overboard in a hurry if you weren’t careful. But that being said…

Brioche for life.


So it’s been a little while. I think I am finally recovering from my Christmas knitting. I am happy to say that I almost finished all the Weasley Family Christmas Sweaters, but I think it really wore me out. I couldn’t quite finish my Dad’s on time, I only have a bit of the sleeves to go but the thought of knitting more of a sweater makes me sort of want to put something sharp in or around my eye. I’m surrounded by needles so I’m actively trying to banish the thought. I will finish up my Dad’s sweater, but any other sweaters I make in the near future will be knit slowly for the sake of my sanity. I think that blogging about the sweaters hung in my mind as something else I had to complete in order for them to be truly done. I didn’t feel like I could write about anything else until those were documented–which is ridiculous because who is the knitting blog police? Is someone going to come to my house brandishing especially sharp dpns and poke me mercilessly until I blog about the sweaters? NOPE! At least I hope not, though I am quick and I have a big dog if it comes to that. So, more for myself than anyone else, I declare that I will not be writing about the Weasley Family Sweaters until the day I can think about sweaters again. Which is not today.  Continue reading “oops.”


It’s been a while! Though there hasn’t been much blogging, there has been lots of knitting. The weather here is finally cooling down a bit. We have had a few days that have actually felt like fall, and it snowed above the bench! Snowbird is supposed to open the 22nd and I am pretty jazzed about it. Today it is back to 70 but sometimes it’s nice to have it warm in the city but winter up above. Salt Lake is cool in that way; I could climb and ski on the same day if I wanted to. It has been cold enough to want to knit a lot, and knitting a lot is ok with me!

The Weasley Family Sweaters are coming along pretty well, but I think I need to pick up the pace a bit. I am about finished with the body on Emily’s and I love it so much. This is one that I will have to knit again for myself. I should be done with the body today and can move onto the sleeves.

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