The World’s Fastest Tank Top

I knit a tank top for Shannon Cook’s (who designed the Amberle Shawl) Tops, Tees and Tanks Knit Along.  I went back and forth about what to knit. I really wanted to make Togue Pond but buying a tank top’s worth of Kestrel is not in the budget at the moment. So on a whim I casted on the Dijon Top using Knit Picks Lindy Chain that I already had. It used less than two skeins and three days to complete which is crazy. I went down in needle size and added repeats both width wise and vertically following advice from my sister who made this top and told me it was “A top for ants”. Since I am not an ant I figured I better make it a little bigger than the pattern. More extensive notes on the specifics are on my project page.  It’s a free pattern and it’s very basic in its instructions but easy to follow and modify.


I like the way it turned out, it will be a great summer top and would work well as a beach cover up too. I am nearing the upper end of the age where it’s acceptable to wear sheer shirts (with just a bathing suit or bralette or the like) so I better do it while I can. I’ve spared the internet that scene but not the real world.  Watch out North Creek.


I bet when you look at this picture you’re thinking “Wow!! It must be beautiful in Upstate New York right now! So warm! Let’s book a vacation there, Honey!” Yeah. It’s not. It might be sunny but it’s 40 degrees. But you should still book a vacation, and make sure you go rafting with Beaver Brook while on vacation so this gal can make a little money. Sorry not sorry for the shameless plug. It’s the family biz, gotta do it anywhere I can.


Anyway. I’m pretty sure my Mom and I mystified the neighbors and passers by while taking pictures.

“Mommy, why is that lady wearing that in April? Doesn’t she know it’s inappropriate for the current weather we’re experiencing? And is her all green outfit an homage to Spring or could she just not find any other shorts?”


“Also, why does she look like a man from the back?”

“Well Timmy, if you want your raft guide to be able to steer your boat, she needs to look like that. She can either look like a linebacker from behind or be a nice knitwear model. I’ve told you before that you can’t have it both ways!”

Or so I imagine.

My mom and I are also really hitting our stride in our knitwear model/photographer relationship. Our communication and technological know how is unparalleled. The following photos may be the pinnacle of our careers. It won’t get any better than this, folks.

