Places You Could Knit During 2016

Renaissance Man, Video Girl, Briocheur Extrodinaire, and Personal Hero, Stephen West, is a damn inspiration in terms of places you can knit. Stephen has taught me that A. More is more in terms of accessories. B. Your fridge is acceptable for yarn storage. C. Wool crop tops duh. D. That you can knit literally anywhere.

Indeed, there were a lot of places you could knit during 2016.

On the couch with a dog.
In a truck at 14,000 feet.
On your lawn.
On a/in a lake
On a dock.
At Horseshoe Bend.
In the desert with your dog and your fella.
In a frenzy, after your country loses its mind.
In a truck camper.
Next to the ocean in Mexico.

I can only hope 2017 will live up to Westknits standards. Stephen, I live to serve.